Google W

Walking Networks: The Development of an Artistic Medium (2017) Ph.D Thesis
Google the name of your town, city, neighbourhood. Notice where Google plants its pin on the map. Put down your phone and leave all maps behind. Walk to the pin. When you’ve arrived at your destination, decide what you want to remember about your walk and transform it into a memory image—the more absurd the better. The memory image doesn’t have to be purely visual; feel free to experiment with sounds and smell as well. Imagine your memory image somewhere in the landscape. Commit the newly transformed area to memory. This is the location of your memory palace.

Google Walk was originally developed during Walk Study Training Course 2, a course I facilitated with the Walk Exchange. It was subsequently developed with the Footwork Research group and published in Ways to Wander. It was further adapted and included as part of my Ph.D thesis, Walking Networks: The Development of an Artistic Medium (2017), which is the version featured here.