British Summer Time (2019-ongoing)

It’s that time again! The clocks are about to change, which means the sunrise walks of British Summer Time are almost upon us. Replace your morning scroll with a morning stroll.

British Summer Time
is a series of short sunrise walks in consideration of the time change. Over ten seasons, walkers from across Europe and the Americas have joined me to explore the dawn. You are invited to join me from anywhere in the world. The process is simple, just go for a walk from fifteen minutes before sunrise until fifteen minutes after, and share your sunrise through email or social media. Join for one walk, all of them, or anywhere in between.

Starting the day the United Kingdom switches from British Summer Time to Greenwich Mean Time and continuing until the United States switches to Standard Time, I will walk from 15 minutes before sunrise until 15 minutes after. Please join me by doing the same wherever you are.

Dates: 27 October - 3 November 2024
Time: From 15 minutes before sunrise until fifteen minutes after.
Location: Wherever you happen to be.
Share: I take a picture at the beginning, middle and end of my walk, but you can feel free to document it any way you please. You can email your results to, and/or share them on social media using #WalkBST #WalkingArtistsNetwork

Past Walks:

The inaugural British Summer Time blog gives details of season 1. You can see find a discussion of seasons 2 and 3 at the Walking Artists Network Blog. Season 4 (13-28 March 2021) remains uncollated. Sunrises from Season 5 (31 October - 7 November, 2021) can be found here. Season 6 (12 - 27 March, 2022) remains uncollated. My reflections on Season 7 (29 October to 6 November, 2022) can be found hereSeasons 8 (11 - 26 March, 2023), 9 (30 October to 5 November, 2023) and 10 (10 - 31 March, 2024) remain uncollated.
52 More (2021-ongoing)

After I finished 52 Scores (2019-2020) I was left with a pile of off-cuttings. Words I considered, but didn’t use. Now I’d like to invite you to use them with me as part of 52 More.

If you’d like to make a score e-mail your postal address to and you will recieve a kit in the mail.* Each score takes one week to build (around five to ten minutes a day). Once you’ve made the score we can choose a time to walk it together (and invite others to join us if we so desire). 

You can also join in the walks as the scores are made (check out the upcoming walks page.) To participate in a walk, read the score and decide how you interpet it as instructions for a walk. For instance, you might follow the words as a map, or use specific sentences as provocations for your exploration. You can do the walks anywhere in the world in whatever environment suits them best.

If you have questions or want to arrange a specific walking exchange, e-mail You can also share you walks via social media using the hashtag #52More

I will be sharing the scores and documenting the walking exchanges on the project blog. Feel free to participate in previous walks as well. If you share your documentation with me I will add it to the blog.

*I am committed to making this project fully accessible. The score making kits contain a handwritten letter in cursive script, and cut out words and sentences in different font types and sizes. This can be adjusted, so please let me know if you have individual access needs.
A crystal bowl filled with words sitting on a rock with trees in the background, the phrases 'the medium of walking' and 'shopping=Move' are visible. In the background on the rock are a train ticket and postcard with the words 'walking artists' in bold white letters. areCastoff words sitting in a crystal bowl in the Pennsylvania woods, ready to be turned into walking score kits.
52 Scores (2019-2020)

So much scrap.

On my bookshelf sits a pile of scrap paper: mailers, print-outs of old drafts, REF guidance documents and outdated cases studies. I decided to put it all to good use.

From November 2019-November 2020, I created a weekly walking score, i.e. instructions for walking. I invited anyone from anywhere in the world to join me, together or at a distance, synchronously or asynchronously. 

See all of the scores on Instagram.

A Wander is not a Slog (2018)

A Wander is not a Slog took Clare Qualmann and Claire Hind’s Ways to Wander (2015) as a guidebook for a year of walking. The book features 54 walking scores—specific instructions for taking a walk—written by members of the Walking Artists Network. I set out to complete each one.

For more details visit the project blog: A Wander is not a Slog.