Score #21 by Jody Oberfelder

[score base: A white card with a line drawing of three people in blue green and orange holding hands, with the word PRACTICE written underneath them. Large dots in a variety of bright colors have been pasted on the card; photo and score: Jody Oberfelder (2021); score text: wild,/springboards/already exist./sublime creativity/practice,/mythical,/ones.]

Join us  for a mythical exploration of sublime creativity and practice. Jody and I will be walking together in New York City and we’d love for you to interpret the score wherever you are, however you like! Just read the score, use it to inspire your walk, and share the results with us.

Date: TBD (Spring 2022)
Time: Anytime that suits.
Location: Wherever you are. If you are in NYC get in touch and join us in person!
Share: email your results to and/or share on social media using #52More.

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