[score base: blue index card with cursive handwriting on it, parts of which are blacked out; photo and
score: Debbie Kent (2021); score text: in parantheses dream wires/Follow the/Moon/precisely at the point where/Always almost obsolete/The clouds tonight are/open to participants/ded)forms of architecture/gloom of the deep/Let’s tentacularize/What happens]
Debbie and I will be exploring her score during the September new moon. We invite you to join us wherever you are, and walk with us as the lunation cycle changes to new moon in September 2021. Read her score, intrepret it however you like, and walk it with us at moonset. You can find your moonset time here.
Debbie and I will be exploring her score during the September new moon. We invite you to join us wherever you are, and walk with us as the lunation cycle changes to new moon in September 2021. Read her score, intrepret it however you like, and walk it with us at moonset. You can find your moonset time here.
Date: 6-7 September 2021 (depending on your time zone).
Locations: Anywhere
Time: Any time between moonset on Monday, 6 September and moonset on Tuesday, 7 September.
Share: Use #52More on social media to share your walk, or e-mail me with your results and I will add them to the ongoing blog (blakemwalks@gmail.com).
Project Blog